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Tutoring Center Hours and Locations
Tutoring hours & locations can be found on Canvas: Academic Success Center Canvas Course
Mathematics Enrichment Center (MEC)
- MEC location & hours can be found on Canvas: Math Student Resources
Schedule a Tutoring Appointment
- Make an appointment online: https://richland.as.me/tutoring
- Email us: tutoring@richland.edu
- Call us: 217.875.7211 ext. 6379
What our tutors can help with:
- Explain an assignment
- Brainstorm ideas
- Develop a thesis statement
- Organize information, outlines, or graphic organizers
- Transitions and word choice
- Format paper and cite sources (MLA/APA)
Come prepared for a tutoring appointment:
- Bring materials you need help with:
- Assignment sheet
- Rubric
- Instructor’s feedback (if applicable)
- Any readings/materials (if applicable)
- Have an idea of what you need to accomplish (see examples below)
- “I have no idea where to start. Can you help me brainstorm?”
- “Can you proofread my paper and check my citations are correct?”
- “I need help with writing my thesis. I know what I want to talk about, but not sure how to say it.”
No-Show and Cancellation Policies
- Appointments may be cancelled/rescheduled by notifying the Academic Success Center at least 24 hours prior (not including weekends or times the College is closed) to your appointment time.
- If the notification is received in less than 24 hours (or not at all), this will be considered a no show. After two no shows, you may lose your privilege to make appointments for the remainder of the semester.
- In the event you are unable to keep your appointment, please email us at tutoring@richland.edu or call 217.875.7211, ext. 6379 to cancel or reschedule your appointment with at least 24 hour notice.
- For your scheduling privileges to be reinstated, please schedule an appointment with the Director of the Academic Success Center, at tutoring@richland.edu. We will discuss what strategies can help you choose and keep appropriate appointment times that suit you best.

Steps to log in:
- Log in to your Canvas account
- Click “Account” in the upper left-hand side of the page
- Underneath will have a list of options, click “TutorMe–Online Tutoring”
- Click the yellow “Get tutoring help” button
What Pear Deck Tutor Offers
Request a live tutor for the following subjects:
- Math
- Humanities (includes English, Literature, Writing, and ESL)
- Natural Science
- Social Science
- Computer Science
- Spanish
- Other
Submit your writing assignment (paper drop-offs)
- Upload any files related to the assignment (rubric, assignment sheet, draft of the essay/paper)
- Provide your tutor with details of the writing assignment (what class it’s for, essay type, specifically what you’re needing help with)
- Ex: “I’m in English 101 and I need your feedback on a Compare/Contrast Essay. I’m struggling with organization.”
Other Services
- Pear Deck Tutor (TutorMe)
- Guest Computers
- Relaxed Study Space
- Online Resources
- Tips to Strengthen Study Skills
- Tips on How to Use Your Textbook
- Research Paper Strategies
- Free Coffee & Snacks
- Group Study Room Available
Useful Websites
- Reading, Writing, & Student Resources
- Math Resources
- Khan Academy
- HippoCampus
- WolframAlpha
- Study Skills Resources
Contact Our Team

Jacque Manicki
Director, Academic Success CenterAcademic Success Center
Richland Main Campus, S134
(217) 875-7200, Ext. 6362

Maddi Walton
Administrative Assistant, Academic Success CenterAcademic Success Center
Richland Main Campus, S134
(217) 875-7200, Ext. 6379