Library Resources

Library – Kitty Lindsay Learning Resources Center

In the Kitty Lindsay Learning Resources Center, you will find rich resources and research assistance to fit your academic needs. The library offers a variety of services with helpful staff. Just ask us! Our mission is to enhance the learning experience with quality resources and services and to collaborate in fostering intellectual exploration.

Find Books, Articles & More

Research & Information Services

The library is staffed by professional librarians who welcome inquiries from students to complete assignments, assist faculty with course content and reserves, and answer questions from community patrons in District 537. We will work to locate the resources and answers you are looking for to satisfy your information and research needs.

Other Library Services

  • Photocopies, Scans, Fax:
    • Printing is free for currently enrolled students, 10 cents per page for community patrons
    • Scanning free for everyone
    • Fax – 25 cents per page
  • Study Spaces: Designated quiet study area. Currently enrolled students may reserve a room for individual or group study. Call ext. 6330 or ask the Library staff.
  • Available Equipment: Headphones, DVD player, TI-84 graphing calculators. Equipment can be checked out by currently enrolled students only.
  • Speeches/Presentations: Practice your presentations and speeches with a laptop compatible overhead projector in a quiet room. To reserve a study room or call ext. 6330.
  • Interlibrary Loan Request: Interlibrary loans (ILLs) are transactions in which library materials that are not available in the current collection can be located from other libraries. An ILL may consist of the loan of a book, periodical article, or other item. Please allow from 4+ business days to receive materials. ILLs are a free service to enrolled students, faculty and staff. Click on these links for the following:
  • Interlibrary Loan Book Request form for books
  • Interlibrary Loan Article Request form for articles

Public Access to Computer Workstations

Public Access workstations will require a NetID and a Password.

Only current Registered Patrons who reside within District 537 will receive a NetID and Password. Registration requires formal identification such as a driver’s license or State ID, and/or mail* with your current name and address. The NetID will be the 14-digit barcode which is the library card patron number. *Mail must be 1st class mail from a business, utility or local organization and have been Post marked within the past 3 months. No bulk mail or advertisements.

By using a Richland NetID account, the patron agrees to act in a manner consistent with the College’s computing Acceptable Use Policy. The Acceptable Use Policy is posted and copies are available at the Information Desk.

Public Access is limited to two (2) hours total per day per patron (in one single block of time). Enrolled students will have priority access as needs require.

Questions may be directed to library staff. Student workers cannot grant access or register community users.

Collection Selection

The Kitty Lindsay Learning Resources Center selects and maintains physical and digital resources that support the educational mission of Richland Community College. Subject areas directly related to the curriculum of the college are given priority in selection. The Learning Resources Center strives for balance, pertinence and diversity across all formats including books, media and electronic resources. Materials are chosen for the potential of enriching intellectual life, broadening learning objectives, and assisting students in achieving academic success.

The selection process is coordinated by the librarians in conjunction with faculty who can best identify the array of resources necessary for their disciplines. Suggestions are welcome. However, the Library Director reserves the right to make final purchase decisions based on the current budget and the integrity of the collection as a whole.

Similar to selection, de-selection in a library is an ongoing process. The library weeds outdated, inappropriate or damaged items. If possible, faculty members will be consulted about the candidates for de-selection and potential updated resources.

Richland Community College is a resource sharing library among different types of libraries and is governed by several layers of code and policy. In the spirit of resource sharing that stems from the best practices of librarianship, the Kitty Lindsay Learning Resources Center regularly fills and places inter-library loan requests for those items unavailable in a library collection.


Monetary gifts and donated items are accepted with gratitude. There is no guarantee, however, that donated items will be added to the collection or, if added, will remain in the collection permanently. Donated items, if added to the collection, will not be given unique shelf space. Donors may be requested to sign a letter of gift. The library does not value donations for tax purposes. Itemized lists of donated items will not be furnished to the donor.

Patron Privacy & Confidentiality

The library adheres to the guidelines on patron privacy and patrons’ rights according to the American Library Association.

Copyright in Academic Libraries

The library uses the Code of Best Practices in Academic and Research Libraries as a guide for questions about the fair use of materials in higher education.


General Information: (217) 875-7200 ext. 6330
Borrowing & Reserves: ext. 6303
Information Literacy Sessions: ext. 6301
Inter-Library Loan Services: ext. 6303
Room Reservations: ext. 6303
Reference & Research: ext. 6301

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Contact Our Team


Gavena Dahlman

Director, Library Services

Library Services

Richland Main Campus, Learning Resource Center

(217) 875-7200, Ext. 6301