Richland Offers Discount on Online Tuition Rate

Richland Community College announced it will offer a 15% discount on its online tuition rate for classes this fall.

“We are acutely cognizant of the immense challenges that our continuing and new students face each day as this pandemic continues, seemingly out of control,” said Dr. Cristobal Valdez, President of Richland Community College. “We are keenly aware than none of us likely would have chosen the online environment had we not determined the risk was too high for in-person instruction. Our goal has always been to provide our students with safe, affordable, productive and meaningful options for their education.”

As a result of this discount, a full-time student enrolled in 15 credits of online courses will receive a $375 credit. Students who have already paid their bill in full and have online classes that meet the discount requirements will receive a refund on their accounts as early as next week. Current students should check their account information online at myRichland and student email for information about their billing and financial aid eligibility.


In addition, Richland announced that it would be observing four Dedicated Enrollment Days to allow students to set appointments to meet with the Student Success Center staff – including admissions and financial aid – in order to enroll for fall classes:

  • Friday, August 7 from 9am – 4pm
  • Saturday, August 8 from 10am – 2pm
  • Wednesday, August 12 from 10am – 6pm
  • Friday, August 14 from 9am – 4pm

New and returning students can register for appointments by visiting The College Bookstore will be open on those dates as well.

Students can choose from three class delivery options including Online where all instruction and assignments are provided online with specific due dates; Online Live where there is mandatory class time for the students and instructor to meet together online; and Hybrid with a combination of face-to-face and online or online life instruction. The class formats are fully defined in the Restore Richland plan found on the college website at


In an effort to allow students that still might be making decisions for college enrollment in the fall, Richland will be offering a Guaranteed Fall Schedule and all classes as of August 3, will be a guaranteed a “Go,” with no classes canceled from this date forward.

Dr. Valdez added, “Fall classes will start August 17, but we will also be highlighting late-start and potential slow-start classes as students continue to make their enrollment decisions at that the last minute.”

New students interested in registering for fall classes are encouraged to visit to apply. There you will find a step-by-step process on how to become a Richland student. Returning students who have not yet registered should meet with their Student Success Coaches as soon as possible.