Student organizations on Richland’s campus are hosting a sock drive to address the need for healthy feet and warm socks to distribute to local shelters. The drive was developed to collect at least 222 pairs of socks (and cash donations) and kicked off today in observance of 2-22-22.
“Socks are one of the most in-demand items at shelters and most people will donate used clothing, but used socks are low on the list. Warm, dry feet are barriers to reduce many health issues for those who live on the streets or who rely on shelters for safety and security,” said Teena Zindel-McWilliams, Director of Institutional and Academic Planning.
Men’s, women’s, and children’s socks of all sizes can be donated from 2/22/22 through 2/28/22, and donation bins are located in Division offices, Student Services Center, the Mueller Student Center, and the Richland Fitness Center. Monetary donations can be delivered to the Student Engagement Office, Room W146.
Participating student clubs include the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Student Leadership Council, Phi Theta Kappa, PRIDE, X-Ray Vision, and Surgical Technology Club.
To help educate individuals on programs and needs, representatives from local organizations were available at information tables in the Mueller Student Center today from 10am to noon.
Happiness Is Warm Feet, So Let’s Sock it 2 ‘Em!