Payment Options

Tuition, fees, and other charges are due and payable at designated times each registration session.  The college reserves the right to change the rate of tuition, any fees, or any charge without notice. Full payment (100%) of tuition and fees is due approximately two weeks before the start of classes.  Payment dates for each semester are published in the class schedule and are also available at the Business Services window in the Student Success Center located at the main entrance of campus.  Students are not required to pay at the time of registration unless the date of registration is less than  two weeks before the start of classes.  All students are encouraged to apply for financial aid and should apply as early as possible.

Failure to pay for classes by the due date may result in the student being dropped from class but NOT from his or her obligation to pay.  NON-attendance or NEVER attending also does not release a student from the obligation to pay tuition charges.  Refunds or adjustments are only made when classes are officially dropped within the refund period.  Official drops are processed by the Office of Student Records and must be initiated by the student.

BankMobile Disbursements

Richland Community College has partnered with BankMobile to deliver your financial aid refund. For more information about BankMobile, visit this link:


If you have any questions please contact Business Services at (217) 875-7211, Ext. 6227 or by email at

Methods of Payment


The Cashier Window in the Student Success Center is generally open from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday and Tuesday and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Wednesday through Friday. During June and July we are closed on Fridays.  Please call (217) 875-7200, to verify hours for any given day. A night depository is also available just inside the main entrance doors for your convenience.

Credit Cards:

Richland Community College accepts VISA, MasterCard, and Discover.

Payment Plan:

Budget for monthly payments to be deducted from your bank account. More information is available at the Business Services Window in the Student Success Center or online.


Make checks payable to Richland Community College and include your student ID number.

Earning your Federal Financial Assistance

Once federal financial assistance has been awarded, it is earned based upon class attendance. In accordance with Federal regulations, if a student withdraws before completing 60% of the semester, the Federal financial assistance award will be calculated on a pro-rata basis.

The pro-rata formula for determining the Federal assistance earned is the percentage of the number of weeks the student was in attendance during the semester multiplied by the total award he or she would otherwise have been eligible for.

Withdrawal from classes before completing 60% of the semester will reduce the student’s amount of Federal assistance and will affect the balance that the student may still owe the College for tuition and fees.

Additionally, if a student has received an advance on their Federal assistance in the form of a book check but the student does not remain in attendance long enough to have earned the amount of this advance, he or she may have an obligation to repay some of these funds to the Federal government.

Tuition Discount for Senior Citizens

District 537 residents who are 65 or older or who will become 65 years old during the calendar year are eligible to enroll without payment of tuition in regularly scheduled credit courses, other than credit courses designed specifically for senior citizens, provided that available classroom space exists and tuition-paying students enrolling constitute the minimum number required for the course. Such waiver does not apply to all other fees associated with enrollment in such a course. For more information, call the Business Services Office, (217) 875-7211, ext. 6227.

Contract Disclosure with BankMobile

Click for details