We are currently registering students for spring classes. If you are new to Richland please take a look at our Apply and Enroll page for a step-by-step on how to become a Richland student. If want to connect with someone at Richland for help please take a look at the information below:

Summer 2025 Registration Dates

  • March 31st – Current Students & Veterans
  • April 7th – New & Returning Students
  • May 28th – Summer Registration Closes
  • June 2nd – Summer Classes Begin

Fall 2025 Registration Dates

  • March 31st – Current Students & Veterans
  • April 7th – New & Returning Students
  • August 13th – Fall Registration Closes
  • August 18th – Fall Classes begin


Registering for classes is easy! The steps are different for Current Students vs. New and Returning Students:

Current Students

If you are presently enrolled in a credit course at Richland, you are a current student.

  1. Review your academic progress with the myRichland degree audit tool. Discuss any concerns with your Success Coach.
  2. Apply for financial aid, if needed. Current tuition costs can be found at our Tuition and Fees page.
  3. Apply for a Foundation scholarship.
  4. Identify your courses using the online course search tool. The online course schedule is located on myRichland
  5. Register for classes using one of these convenient methods:
    • Online
    • In Person (Via Zoom) – Virtual Appointment with Success Coach
  6. Visit the Business Office page to pay your tuition and fees or develop a payment plan. You may be dropped from your courses for lack of payment if you have not made financial arrangements at least two weeks prior to the start of your classes.
  7. If you have not completed the Mandatory Canvas (Learning Management System) Orientation, do so at https://richland.instructure.com/. You will login with your Richland net id and password.
  8. Visit the bookstore (online).

New and Returning Students

Please note: This process is for students who want to take classes for college credit.  Please visit the non-credit community education classes or the adult education (GED) program webpages to learn how to register for those programs. 

  1. Review the list of academic programs offered by the College. Our advisors can help you better understand your options during your initial registration meeting.
  2. Complete the admission process. Note: If you have taken a credit course at Richland within the last two semesters you do not need to complete the admission process (your application information is already on file).
  3. Apply for financial aid, if needed. Current tuition costs can be found at http://www.richland.edu/tuition.
  4. Apply for a Foundation scholarship.
  5. Identify your courses using the public course schedule.  The online course schedule is located on myRichland.
  6. Register for classes using one of these convenient methods:
    • Online
    • In Person (Via Zoom) – Virtual Appointment with Success Coach
  7. Activate your Richland NetID to access everything from grades to WiFi.
  8. Visit the Business Office to pay your tuition and fees or discuss a payment plan. You may be dropped from your courses for lack of payment if you have not made financial arrangements at least two weeks prior to the start of your classes.
  9. If you have not completed the Mandatory Canvas (Learning Management System) Orientation, do so at https://richland.instructure.com/. You will login with your Richland net id and password.
  10. Visit the bookstore (online).

Registration Methods


New students may register online after meeting with an advisor. Current students may be able to self-register without seeing an advisor but can also meet with an advisor and register themselves through myRichland.


For registration and advising, please schedule a virtual appointment with your Success Coach. If you do not know who your Success Coach is, you may email records@richland.edu or call 217.875.7211 Ext. 6267. If any of the available appointment times do not work for you, please email your Success Coach for an alternative. You can find contact information for Success Coaches by visiting the Student Success Team page.

For Financial Aid, please email financialaid@richland.edu or visit www.richland.edu/finaid to schedule a virtual appointment.

For the Cashier, please email businessoffice@richland.edu

For scholarship questions, please email scholarships@richland.edu

If you have general questions about registration, you can contact the Solutions Center by calling 217.875.7211 Ext. 6267

When to Register

Registration for classes at Richland takes place at scheduled times before the beginning of each semester. Registration dates will be posted on the website approximately two to three weeks before registration begins. Students are encouraged to register early.

Course Schedule

Richland’s online course schedule provides an up-to-date listing of all available courses, dates, and times.


We’re here to help! You can meet with a student success coach in person, or submit a request for assistance.

Looking for our Non-Credit Classes for Personal and Professional Development?

Visit www.richland.edu/noncredit to find the latest class offerings and information on how to register.