Accommodations & Disability Services

Disability Services at Richland Community College are provided through the Accommodations Office in the Academic Success Center

Richland Community College provides a welcoming campus that supports success for all students. Approved accommodations for students with disabilities remove barriers to allow for equal opportunity to participate fully in the total college experience.  Additional information including instructions to complete the application for accommodations in text and video format can be found at Accommodations at Richland Community College.

Apply for Accommodations

  1. Fill out the accommodations application
  2. Provide documentation of disability
  3. After the documentation is reviewed, the Academic Success Center will contact you to set up the accommodations appointment

NOTE: If the student is under age 18, a parent/guardian must complete a consent form and attend the accommodations appointment

PLACEMENT TEST ACCOMMODATIONS: most of the placement tests are untimed and in a quiet location. If you require additional Placement Test Accommodations (i.e. Test Reader, Test Writer), you will need to apply for accommodations before taking the Placement Test(s). See the Frequently Asked Questions page for more details. If you do not require placement test accommodations, it is preferable if you register for classes before your accommodations appointment

How to Apply for Accommodations

Accommodations Application Process for NEW Students:

Once you have registered for your classes:

  1. Log into myRichland
  2. Under My Student Info, click on Accommodations.
  3. Select the Term you are enrolled for
  4. Review the consent form, and select select or add any additional persons (if desired). Click Save Consent.
  5. Select “Go to the online Accommodation Application”
  6. Fill out the accommodations application
  7. Click Submit
  8. Check your Richland email for confirmation that your application has been received
  9. Follow the guidelines under How to Document a Disability
  10. Submit your documentation to the Academic Success Center
  11. After your documentation has been reviewed, the Academic Success Center will contact you to schedule an appointment
  12. After the appointment notifications for approved accommodations will be sent through Richland email to you and your instructor(s)
  13. Please feel free to contact us so that we can discuss immediate supports while your application is being processed

Accommodations Application Process for CONTINUING Students who want the same accommodations:

Once you have registered for your classes:

  1. Log into myRichland
  2. Under My Student Info, click on Accommodations
  3. Select the correct Term
  4. Select View/Update Consent (if necessary). Review the consent form, and select any additional persons for consent (if desired). Click Save Consent
  5. Select “Go to the online Accommodation Application”
  6. Verify the Term you are applying for. Select if you are a Heartland Technical Academy Student or not.
  7. Click Submit
  8. Check your Richland email for confirmation that your application has been received
  9. Accommodations notifications will be sent through Richland email to you and your instructor(s)

Accommodations Application Process for CONTINUING Students who want UPDATED accommodations based on additional or updated documentation

Once you have registered for your classes:

  1. Log into myRichland
  2. Under My Student Info, click on Accommodations
  3. Select the correct Term
  4. Select View/Update Consent (if necessary). Review the consent form, and select any additional persons for consent (if desired). Click Save Consent
  5. Select “Go to the online Accommodation Application”
  6. Verify the Term you are applying for. Select if you are a Heartland Technical Academy student or not. Check the box “I have new documentation and would like to update my accommodations”
  7. Make changes to your application
  8. Click Submit
  9. Check your Richland email for confirmation that your application has been received
  10. Submit your additional or updated documentation to the Academic Success Center
  11. After your documentation has been reviewed, the Academic Success Center will contact you to schedule an appointment
  12. After the appointment, notifications for approved accommodations will be sent through Richland email to you and your instructor(s)
  13. Please feel free to contact us so that we can discuss immediate supports while your application is being processed

How to Document a Disability

How to Document a Physical or Psychological Disability

Please submit a current statement on letterhead that is signed and dated, clearly states the evaluator’s credentials, and includes the following:

  1. Diagnosis – Medical diagnosis or DSM-V diagnosis
  2. Functional Limitations – Explain how the disability substantially limits a major life activity. What difficulties will the student have at the college as a direct result of the diagnosis?
  3. Recommendations – Provide a list of recommendations for the academic environment based on the student’s functional limitations.
  • Psychological disabilities may be documented by psychologists, psychiatrists, licensed clinical social workers, and licensed clinical professional counselors.
  • Physical disabilities may be documented by medical doctors/specialists

How to Document a Learning Disability

Please submit a current statement by a certified/licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, or neuropsychologist on letterhead that is signed and dated, clearly states the evaluator’s credentials, and includes the following:

  1. Diagnosis – Statement confirming that the student has a specific Learning Disability
  2. Functional Limitations – Explain the substantial limitations that the disability will have on the student’s learning
  3. Recommendations — Provide a list of recommendations for the academic environment based on the student’s functional limitations.

Acceptable Assessments

  • Psychological Evaluation, Neuropsychological Evaluation, Psycho-educational Evaluation, Learning Disability Assessment, Transition IEP
  • Psychometric tests should include Adult normed intelligence testing (WAIS-III) Achievement and Information Processing (Woodcock-Johnson, Stanford- Binet)
  • WISC

General Contact Information

If you have any questions about this process please contact:

Accommodations – Room S134
(217) 875-7211, ext. 6379

Contact Our Team


Clifton Ulbricht

Accommodation Specialist

Academic Success Center

Richland Main Campus, S134

(217) 875-7200, Ext. 6377