Representatives from the Decatur Trades & Labor Assembly, the Decatur Building & Construction Trades Council, Operating Engineers Local 965, and Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 137 presented Richland Community College with a $10,000 check to support scholarships for Veterans & the family members at Richland Community College.
These funds will be designated to provide scholarships for veterans and their families who attend Richland Community College and will go specifically to assist in funding for books, supplies and materials, and other things the G.I. Bill does not cover. They are also looking to expand the program further to cover non-accredited courses such as CDLs, CNAs, and mental health assistance.
“The idea is to help these veterans, and I think that’s what we’re doing,” said Lloyd Holman, Coordinator for Decatur Trades and Labor Assembly Shepherd’s Hook Veteran’s Project.
The funding doesn’t go towards just the veterans themselves, but also their families.
“What we have found is that a lot of these veterans are coming back and they are already skilled. In some cases, they’re not in need of any additional education at this point. Right now, they’re not in need of additional education, but their children are. If we’re not getting enough veterans making requests for assistance, then we need to expand this. We’re getting plenty of requests from their children and if that helps out, we’re helping veterans.” Holman said.