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Transfer Academy
We are glad you chose Richland Community College to continue your education. Whether you are just beginning your educational journey or nearing the completion of your educational goals, our faculty and staff can help you make the transition. Find out how to transfer credits to or from Richland Community College.
Transfer College Credits to Richland Community College
Students who wish to transfer credit earned at another accredited college or university must request a transcript from the college attended. The transcript should be sent directly from the college or university to:
Richland Community College
Admissions and Records Office
One College Park
Decatur, IL 62521
The student requesting a transfer of credit must pay any transcript fees.
You will need to submit an Admission Information Form and a final high school transcript or GED Certificate.
If you have other college level course work that you would like applied to your transcript at Richland you must request a transcript from the college attended. All transcripts/GED scores should be sent directly from the college/university or issuing institution to the Admissions and Records Office at Richland. The student requesting the transfer of credit must pay any transcript fees.
Approved credit hours will be applied toward the total number of hours needed for the degree or certificate, provided the average grade for all work is “C” or better.
Transfer credit will not be included in computing the student’s grade point average at Richland. Approved credit hours will be recorded on the student’s academic record at the request of the student.
Transfer College Credits from Richland Community College
The Transfer Center Program will assist students on-going efforts in transferring from Richland Community College to senior institutions. The Transfer Center will improve articulation between curricula at Richland Community College and baccalaureate institutions. The program is specifically designed to increase the number of minority students who transfer from community and junior colleges to baccalaureate institutions and subsequently complete baccalaureate degrees. The Transfer Center maintains a location on campus that is readily identifiable and accessible to targeted students as a focal point of transfer functions. The services include:
- Encourage and identify minority students who choose or may choose transfer programs as their education goal.
- Assisting minority students in preparing for upper-division work, through career counseling, academic planning, choosing appropriate course work, arranging concurrent enrollment, and using course and program articulation to assure course equivalencies and related matters.
- Assisting minority students in submitting applications for admission, financial aid, and housing, at Richland and senior institutions.
- Keeping track of and appropriately supporting (including record keeping) the progress of potential and actual minority transfer students. This is done by referring students having problems to the necessary service area (i.e., counseling, tutoring, financial aid, or housing) and accounting for student needs that go unmet.
- Informing and motivating minority students to transfer by providing a library of transfer materials for student browsing and counseling use.
- Involving community college and university services in activities that strengthen curricular articulation and/or that enhance the transfer process.