Behavioral Evaluation and Threat Assessment Team

Behavioral Evaluation Threat Assessment Referral Form

Individuals wishing to contact the BETA team should call (217) 875-7211 and ask to speak with any of the individuals listed as members. The BETA team will make every effort to respond to those requesting assistance in a timely manner. Additionally, we strongly encourage you to complete the Behavioral Evaluation Threat Assessment Form at the bottom of this page.

Behavioral Evaluation Threat Assessment Team Members

Members of the Behavioral Evaluation Threat Assessment Team meet regularly, as well as in response to requests for assistance. Depending on the particular situation, other representatives (e.g. outside mental health professionals, legal counsel) may be asked to join the Team on an ad hoc basis. In addition, the Vice-President of Finance and Administration is available to consult with the team as necessary. The team also consists of two licensed social workers from Heritage Behavioral Health Center and one representative from the Richland Student Senate.

Contact Our Team


Isaac Zuniga

Executive Vice President, Academic & Student Success

Student Success

Richland Main Campus, W141

(217) 875-7200, Ext. 6253


Brooke Oliver

Program Director/Professor, Surgical Technology

Health Professions Division

Richland Main Campus, S174

(217) 875-7200, Ext. 6756

Behavioral Evaluation and Threat Assessment Referral Form

Send a concerned persons report by completing the form below.

"*" indicates required fields

Identify the Person About Whom You are Concerned


Identify Yourself


Nature of Report

Provide as much information as you can.
Date of Incident

Observations of Appearance or Behavior

Emotional Signs of Distress
Physical Signs of Distress
Behavior in Groups/Class
General Observations

Issues Reported or Issues Know to You

If a person appears ready to harm themselves or others, please immediately call 911 and report.
Check All That Apply
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.