- Law
- City Management
- Government – Federal, State, and Local
- Health Care Administration
- International Business and Communication
- Teaching
- Political Consulting
- Advocacy and contracted representation (Lobbying)
- Campaign management
- Community service
Many students enroll in political science classes at Richland to broaden their knowledge of politics. In a major sense, politics is the activity by which the framework of human life is sustained in all nations throughout the world. At Richland both the theory and the practice of politics are investigated, inviting students to engage their minds to discover their own perception of political reality . Students will also have the opportunity to become involved in field research during major election years participating in actual political campaigns working with candidates of their choice.
Baccalaureate Transfer Options
- Associate of Arts with concentration in Political Science
- Suggested courses for Political Science Concentration: POL S 100, 110, 120
- Other suggested courses: ECON 231, 232; HIST 101, 102; PHIL 110, 130
- Associate of Science with concentration in Political Science
- Suggested courses for Political Science Concentration: POL S 100, 110, 120
- Other suggested courses: ECON 231, 232; HIST 101, 102; PHIL 110, 130