Radiography Program Admission Information

Unlike many academic and career and technical education programs at Richland, admission into the Radiography Program is selective and competitive. Admission to Richland Community College does not guarantee acceptance to the program. Out-of-district students who are not part of a cooperative agreement are considered for the program when space is available.

Students must meet the minimum admission criteria to be eligible to apply. Please read below for descriptions of prerequisites and admission criteria. Once the criteria are met, applicants are scored on a rubric and applicants with the highest scores are accepted in rank order.

Eligibility to Apply

Please read below to determine if you are eligible to apply. Current or former students may also use the Pre-Advisement Plan on myRichland to review unmet prerequisites. If you have questions, please speak with an advisor in Enrollment Services.

Prerequisites and Admission Criteria

Students may be eligible to apply if the following criteria are met:

  • HS Diploma/GED
  • Eligibility for ENGL 101 Composition I
  • Complete the Nelson Denny Reading Test with score of 120 or greater in reading comprehension only
  • Eligibility for MATH 110 or completion of MATH 099 with a “C” or better
  • Complete RADT 101 with a “C” or better. RADT 101 is offered in the fall and spring.
  • Complete (may be in progress at time of application) HLTH 140 with a “C” or better
  • Meet ACT or SAT minimum subs scores and composite (15) Math (15) English (15) Science Reasoning (20) Composite (21) for ACT or 980 SAT OR complete all general education courses prior to beginning the program (BIOL 201, 202, ENGL 101, and PHYS 100)
  • Have a “C” or better in all prerequisites and program courses and maintain a minimum 2.5 Program GPA. For admission, the Program GPA is calculated using the grades and credits earned in completed Radiography general education requirement plus RADT 101. Transfer and Richland credits are used in calculating the Program GPA

For admission, the Program GPA is calculated using the grades and credits earned in the completed Radiography coursework. Coursework that can be completed prior to admission include: BIOL 201, BIOL 202, ENGL 101, PHYS 100, and RADT 101. Transfer and Richland credits are used in calculating the Program GPA

Note: The last biology course (BIOL 201, 202) or RADT 101 course taken must have been completed within the last five years.

Application Process

The Radiography Program follows the Health Profession selective admissions process. Students use the online Pre-Advisement Plan on myRichland to submit an application during the designated application period. Students who will complete course requirements in the spring semester that precedes the summer semester start of the program may submit their application as soon as they have registered for spring classes.

Students must check their student email to verify completion and status of the application. Online applications can be submitted December 15 through March 1.

Basis of Ranking

Students who submit applications are scored on a rubric and the 12 highest scores are accepted in rank order. In the event of a tie for the twelfth position, the student with the highest RADT 101 score is admitted. Criteria of assessment include the following:

  1. Program GPA
  2. BIOL 201 Grade
  3. Program courses completed
  4. ACT Composite
  5. RADT 101 (Introduction to Radiography) course score
  6. RADT 101 Professional Performance Points

Students lose points on the rubric for biology and RADT 101 withdrawals (W) or repeats within the last five years.

For example: If a student withdraws from BIOL 201 in the fall and then completes it in the spring semester they lose one point for the withdrawal. If a student gets a “D” in BIOL 201 and repeats it with a passing grade the next semester they lose a point for the repeat.

Notification of Conditional Admission

After the deadline, the Radiography Program Director reviews the admission rubrics, ranks students, and determines who is admitted to the program. The rubrics are not attached to any identifying student characteristics besides the student ID number. This allows the Program Director to review the rubrics using non-discriminatory practices.

The top 12 ranked students are offered conditional admission to the Radiography Program. All applicants are notified in writing of their admission status by mid-March.

Admission is conditional. This means that students must meet certain criteria before beginning the program. The criteria are as follows:

  • Return the acceptance forms by the deadline
  • Earn a “C” or above in prerequisite and program coursework in which they are enrolled in the spring semester and have a 2.5 Program GPA
  • Submit the Richland Community College Health and Immunization Record form
  • Submit a copy of current American Heart Association BLS Heath Care Provider CPR
  • Submit to a mandatory drug screen
  • Complete a mandatory online orientation

Students who don’t meet all of the above criteria forfeit their admission and the open position is filled from the alternate list.

Alternate List

After the top ranked students are extended conditional admission, an alternate list of other qualified students is developed in the event that someone should cancel or not meet the conditional admission criteria. To remain eligible, students must continue to meet all eligibility requirements. Up to the day prior to the first Radiography course, the alternates may be notified.

The Radiography Program does not maintain a waitlist. If not admitted, students must reapply to the program each year.

Student Transfer from another Radiography Program:

Any student wishing to transfer into the program must apply for College admission and program admission. Transfer credits are evaluated and transfer of credit occurs through College policy. Such transfer shall be subject to the availability of an appropriate clinical placement, student admission procedures, and Program Director approval.

To begin the transfer process, click the transfer procedure form below.

Contact Our Team


Matthew Cardinal

Program Director/Assistant Professor, Radiography

Health Professions Division

Richland Main Campus, S165

(217) 875-7200, Ext. 6759