Radiography Program Requirements

Ethical Requirements

Richland’s Radiography Program holds its students to a high standard. The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists Standards of Ethics (ARRT > Technologists > Comply with Ethics Requirements) serves as the basis of Richland’s Professional Integrity Policy and Code of Ethics.

All admitted students are required to undergo a fingerprint-based background check before beginning the clinical portion of the Radiography Program. The background check is coordinated by the Health Professions Office. The cost of the procedure is covered in the Radiography Program summer course fees.

A student with a positive background check including misdemeanors or felony offenses including convictions or charges resulting in a plea of guilty, plea of nolo contendere (no contest), withheld or deferred adjudication, suspended or stay of sentence, pre-trial diversion activity, or military court-martial are not allowed to enter the clinical portion of the program until the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists Pre-Application Review Process (ARRT > Educators & Students > Ethics Review Pre-Application) is completed and clearance from the ARRT Ethics committee is obtained.

Health & Safety Requirements

Affiliation agreements with our clinical partners require students submit documentation of health and safety requirements. Failure to comply for any reason may result in withdrawal of offer of admission or dismissal from the program.

Under no circumstances are students to attend clinical without current immunizations, initial Mantoux TB and current CPR certification. The student must provide documentation to the Health Professions Division that immunization requirements are met.

Candidates must have the strength, manual dexterity, & mobility to accomplish the following:

  • Frequently push/pull objects in excess of fifty (50) pounds
  • Perform manipulative skills
  • Move about freely in imaging rooms & maneuver equipment in other areas of the hospital such as surgery and patient’s room

Vision and Hearing–Candidates must be able to:

  • assess patient’s condition by asking questions, listening to responses, & observing patient
  • review charts
  • visually evaluate radiographic image quality

Other tasks typically performed by radiography program students can be found at the ARRT Radiography Task Inventory.

Drug and Alcohol Testing
All admitted students submit to an initial drug screening as part of their conditional admission requirements. In addition, any of the clinical sites or faculty may require Richland Community College Radiography Program students to submit to random drug tests for cause. Any student refusing to comply, or who test positive, is not allowed to participate in clinical experiences. Students who refuse to comply with testing will be dismissed from the program. If the test results are positive, action is determined by the faculty committee. The student is responsible for any costs incurred by the clinical affiliate for drug testing.

Health Insurance
Students are encouraged to obtain their own health insurance coverage. None coverage is provided through Richland Community College

Contact Our Team


Matthew Cardinal

Program Director/Assistant Professor, Radiography

Health Professions Division

Richland Main Campus, S165

(217) 875-7200, Ext. 6759