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A Message from the President
I have long considered community colleges as a place where students can dream and realize those dreams. Rich learning opportunities are abundant and current students become very connected as they engage one-on-one with our faculty, staff and administrators.
For more than 45 years Richland Community College has proudly and successfully served the citizens of Central Illinois through a strong mix of workforce, technical and transfer education, including a robust and growing dual credit program, all while providing top quality instruction in traditional coursework and cutting-edge workforce training. We strive to provide diverse and meaningful support services for Student Success to make the Richland experience both personal and rewarding.
Our main campus is nestled on a pristine 155-acre site in Decatur and we have grown to include a higher education center in the Clinton and have opened The Macon County Law Enforcement Training Center. Our strong partnerships with the region’s communities, business and industry have afforded both locations with state-of-the-art facilities, equipment and technology.
Of course, the best asset at Richland is its people. Faculty, staff and administrators are extremely dedicated to learning, improvement and service. Collectively, we are steadfast and holistic in assisting all students to become successful learners. If you are looking for educational, cultural, social and recreational opportunities that will enhance your life, you will find it at Richland Community College.
To that end, my commitment — and all of Richland’s — is for our students to be successful and to complete their educational goals. We extend, to you, an invitation to learn more about us, enroll in classes and begin to realize your dreams.