Transfer to a University

Richland is the perfect first stop on your journey to pursuing a Bachelor’s degree or higher. By deciding to start here, you not only will save tens of thousands of dollars a year; you will be receiving a top-notch education that perfectly transfers to programs across the state.

did you know
Annual Tuition for In-District Students is $4,680

Transfer Degree Options


Associate in Arts (AA)

Student can choose a concentration in English, history, humanities, psychology, physical education or social science.

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Associate in Science (AS)

Students can choose a concentration in accounting, biology, business, chemistry, geography, mathematics, psychology, physical education, physics, science, or social science.

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Associate in Fine Arts (AFA)

The AFA is comprised of two main areas, general education requirements (38-43 credit hours) and art courses until the student meets the 64 credit hour threshold.

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Associate in Engineering Science (AES)

This degree provides students with the general education, math, science and engineering courses required by the College of Engineering (COE) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) campus.

The sequence of courses should be carefully planned with assistance from an advisor with a specific four-year institution in mind.

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General Education Core Curriculum

This curriculum provides all lower-division general education requirements for an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in Illinois.

Richland Community College is a participant in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), a statewide agreement that allows transfer of the completed Illinois General Education Core Curriculum between participating institutions. This curriculum only transfers to state colleges also participating in this agreement.

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