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Teaching and Learning Center Student Resources
These resources will help you through your academic journey at Richland Community College
Teaching and Learning Center Resources
- Teaching and Learning Center Student Tech Support
- Remote Support Tool – use only if instructed to do so by Help Desk staff
There are a lot of useful free or open-source programs and utilities available on the Web for online students. Listed below are links to some of them:
- WinZip – a program to zip and unzip files
- CutePDF – This program allows you to create PDF files from almost any printable document
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
- NOTE: Be sure to UNCHECK the “Optional Offers” before installing the Reader program!
Productivity Software
- WordWeb – WordWeb is a good thesaurus/dictionary resource; it shows pronunciations, definitions, synonyms, and antonyms of words; also, it gives examples of how the word can be used as a noun, verb, adjective, and/or adverb.
- PhotoScape Image Editor – Photo editing software that enables you to fix and enhance photos
Browser Plug-Ins
- Adobe Flash
- NOTE: Be sure to UNCHECK the “Optional Offers” before installing the program!
Media Players
- RealPlayer
- Codecs.com Media Player Classic – Alternative to Windows Media Player
- Codecs.com RealPlayer Alternative – Alternative to RealPlayer
Spyware/Adware/Malware Scanners
- Malwarebytes – free spyware and malware scanner program
- Spybot Search and Destroy – spyware and malware scanner program
Anti-Virus Software
- Avast – free anti-virus program
- AVG Anti-Virus – free anti-virus program
- Bitdefender – free edition
Other Programs
- Emsisoft Emergency Kit – not a preventative software program; a diagnostic scanner program for computers that have spyware/malware on them.
Hardware & Software Requirements for the Canvas Learning Management System
You must be signed up with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) in order to access the Internet from home. Be sure to choose a provider that permits you to use a Web browser.. Some providers require the use of their own proprietary browser; these browsers may not provide all the functionality needed for your online course(s). If you are using a provider like this (for example, AOL), you must minimize that program and use an alternate Web browser to access Canvas.
The Internet browsers that work the best with Canvas are Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari. To download and of these browsers for free, please refer to “Browsers” in the “Downloads” page above
If you do not have home Internet access
For persons without home internet access, the following options are available:Computers are available on Richland’s campus in many locations:
- Learning Resource Center (Library)
- Open Computer Lab (C150)
- Academic Success Center (C148)
- Richland Wireless Access on Campus (if you have a laptop with wireless capability)
Home Computer Requirements
Before beginning your online course(s), your computer needs to be up-to-date with the appropriate hardware and software requirements. Your home computer needs to have the following:
- Operating System: Windows 7or higher or MAC OSX or higher
- Network connection: Broadband, DSL, or Wireless high-speed connection
- Browser Plug-ins:
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
- JavaScript enabled
- Anti-virus Software: Keep virus definitions updated and scan your computer on a regular basis.
- Note: It is strongly recommended that only one anti-virus program be used on your computer; if more than one is used, they will conflict with each other and cause problems.
- Spyware Removal Software: Keep spyware/malware/adware definitions updated and scan your computer on a regular basis.
- Application Software: Richland Community College uses Microsoft Office, which include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access.
- Existing students can access the full Microsoft Office suite by logging in to https://office.com
- Note: Once you are no longer a Richland student, you will not have access to the free program.
- Existing students can access the full Microsoft Office suite by logging in to https://office.com
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