Clubs & Organizations

At Richland Community College, we realize there is more to your education than what you learn inside the classroom. For that reason, we offer a variety of Student Clubs & Organizations to meet your needs. To get involved, attend the Student Engagement Fair at the beginning of each semester, go to a club meeting or contact a club officer. You can find contact information for each Student Club & Organization in the Office of Student Engagement.

Responsibilities of Student Clubs & Organizations

Student club & organizations are guided by two principals: Community and Self Government. Success depends upon shared decisions and responsibility by all members of the club/organizations.  All club & organizations are responsible for:

  • Observing all policies and regulations of the College.
  • Observing all policies and regulations of Campus Life.
  • Registering the club or organization once a year to maintain good standing with the College. All organizations have a two-year grace period to renew their recognition status before funds are dispersed to current recognized clubs.
  • Provide a monthly activity and finance report to Campus Life.
  • Promote academic success with all members.
  • Encourage participation in the Campus Life Student Leadership Program.

Contact Our Team


Susan Webster

Coordinator, Student Engagement

Student Engagement

Richland Main Campus, W143

(217) 875-7200, Ext. 6243